How to Build Hair Salon Loyalty?

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When a hair salon opens up and it entertains its very first customer, it is just a visit to the salon for the customer that will determine his/her looks for the upcoming months, but for the salon, it is the entry of a customer they want to establish a relation with so that anytime they want services ranging from a short haircut to hair extensions, they look back at that salon. Achieving such loyalty takes many years because even the slightest mishaps could result in the customer never entrusting the salon with his/her hair again.

This article will identify some of the great ways hair salons can build loyalty for them in their customers. (If you are an average Joe/Jane, this is should be equally interesting for you to see what hair salons do for customer loyalty.)

  1. Consistency

This is by far the most important aspect of them all! Regardless of how economical and friendly you portray your salon to be, if it does not deliver even once for a customer that has somewhat grown attached to it, you can say goodbye to the customer. Why? Because in this competitive age, the chances for error are much less than what they used to be.

The stylists in the salon, the dressers, and the professionals who deal with treatments must all be so well versed with their field of expertise that they deliver exactly what the sample books promise the customers. If a customer, for example, wants a short haircut, likes what the stylist did, and comes back again asking for the exact same thing, then as a good salon with influence in the market, it is the responsibility of the salon to deliver exactly what the customer wants again.

  1. Customer Dealing

Kindness and humbleness goes a long way in clients wanting to build relations with places such as salons. The owners and workers need to understand that their business will not groom unless they show that their customers are valuable and that they give it their 100% every time a customer walks in.

Being able to deal with customers with such a professional and humble demeanor goes a long way in showing that the workers want to keep the customer satisfied with their efforts till the near future. It also involves being completely transparent with customers regarding costs and issues, as in the case like hair extensions, hair color, and different products.

  1. Promotional Offers

The issuance of loyalty cards or inaugurations of schemes which offer discounts and special packages to regular customers certainly tell a lot about the salon’s intentions of keeping things well with its customers. Put yourself in a customer’s place who decides to visit her salon after half a year to get a haircut, and finds that she has just availed a discount because she entered on Wednesday which is now a discount day for haircuts, or because she has accumulated enough credit in her loyalty program to be able to afford that short haircut she wanted for absolutely no cost; would you not jump out of excitement?

The best salons keep such promotional schemes for all services like haircuts, hair straitening, hair extensions Potomac and more, because they do not want to lose the market share they have earned after so many years of hard work.

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