The Top 3 Reasons Patients Choose (and Avoid) Dentures

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When it comes to replacing your teeth, you have quite a few options. Many times, the best option for one patient isn’t a good option at all for another. And for nearly every patient, lifestyle will dictate the restorative dental solution a patient ultimately chooses. From your budget to your favorite activities, every aspect of your life can ultimately help you make the decision on the best restorative dental solution for your needs, whether it means dentures, dental implants, or another treatment.

As for “false teeth”, there are generally a few main reasons why a patient might choose or not choose to use some form of denture. Today, we’ll touch on a few of the reasons on both sides of the issue.

3 Reasons Why Patients Replacing Teeth Chose Dentures

  1. Low Cost: The relatively low up-front cost combined with the decent functionality of dentures makes them a good option for a wide range of patients.
  2. Widely Available: Since dentures are so commonly used, a quick internet search or even a drive downtown will likely help you find a dentist nearby that offers affordable dentures. On top of this, because dentures are so common, it’s also very unlikely that you’ll ever have a hard time finding products for your dentures.
  3. Dentures Are a Fast Solution: It’s possible to quickly create a pair of dentures. If you have recently lost your teeth due to old age or even an accident, a pair of temporary dentures can be created incredibly quickly. Temporary dentures are better than ever in terms of functionality and fit. However, don’t let this confuse you when it comes to permanent dentures. it does require a bit of a wait for permanent dentures, as your dentist will usually want to give your gums and underlying bone structure time to adjust to your missing teeth and altered jaw structure.

3 Reasons Why Patients Decide Against Dentures

  1. They Are Not Always the Most Cost-Effective Long-Term Choice:: It’s true. Dentures generally don’t last as long as other options for tooth replacement. If you’re considering tooth replacement and are particularly young for dentures, you might want to consider dental implants. While implants are more expensive up-front, they will last almost indefinitely longer than dentures.
  2. Dentures Aren’t the Most Natural Looking: While denture technology has gotten better, and you’d probably be hard pressed to point out someone who’s wearing a pair, if looks matter a lot, it’s important to remember that dentures pale in comparison to other tooth replacement options, particularly including dental implants.
  3. They Can Fall Out: Whether it’s due to poor fit or changes in the shape and underlying structure of your jaw, one of the most popular reasons to choose against a denture is the embarrassing event wherein they fall out. When dentures don’t fit perfectly, some patients complain about them slipping or falling completely out when talking, eating, kissing, or laughing. Problems like this are prevented in a number of ways. First, your dentist will usually encourage you to wait a number of months before getting a permanent denture made. This ensures your jaw has plenty of time to adjust to a lack of teeth, resulting in a sturdier fit. On top of this, eating technique, good oral care, and the right products can also help eliminate the need for any embarrassing denture

Do you have questions about dentures? The dental team at Primary Dental Care of Garden Grove are experts. To learn more about dentures and other tooth replacement options in the Garden Grove, California area or to simply stay up-do-date on the best tactics for healthy teeth, visit their blog today.

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